Saturday 8 February 2014


Paranoia is spreading across the globe as leaked images taken by the Celestia Sixteen Mun orbiter revealed a strange object on the surface. Conspiracy theorists are stating the object is metallic in appearance and looks to be a crashed space craft.

'It's too smooth and refined to be a natural phenomenon,' said one of the conspiracy theorists. 'And it is metallic in appearance due to it's shine. Someone put it there. Whether that was us or someone else remains to be answered. It's bigger than any vehicle we've knowingly sent up there.'

 The mysterious object, which is said to be several meters across

Was this a failed test-run launch from our very own KSC? Sources have managed to unveil a classified image of the vehicle said to be used for the upcoming Aquarius Mun landings, but looks nothing like the object seen in the image. This could rule out a craft born of the KSP.

A leaked image of the supposed Mun vehicle during testing, which has 
no resemblance to the object found on the Mun

Shortly after this image was revealed, another was sent in which is supposedly taken from one of the rovers active on the surface of the Mun. It shows a structure reaching out of the surface. An anonymous caller informed us that after the structure was discovered, Mission Control was invaded by a team wearing black suits that forced the staff to shut down the rover and destroy evidence. But this is yet to be verified.

An enhanced photocopy the image sent back by the
Mun Rover, Celestia-Thirteen

Staff at the KSC were unavailable for comment about the images and whether or not the rover is still operating. Others are saying that this is a publicity stunt to try and gain maximum interest in the Mun program for additional funding.

The investigation continues.


  1. I was playing Kerbal Space Program in a sandbox world, and I was doing a simulated emergency landing flying the Aeris 3a near the mountains behind the space center.

    Suddenly, I saw three small lights, two at the bottom of a mountain and one on the top. I toke a screenshot and when I go to see it I saw something that I didn’t see before. There was a strange black object, with a triangular shape. I ran immediately a mission to check what the strange object was, but when I arrived near the mountains I didn’t see anything.

    I never saw the lights or the UTO (Unknown Triangular Object) anymore.

    Here the screenshot, the only proof of his existence.
